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Please note before reaching out, that I do not do weddings or other large social events. I am not that type of photographer. I am open to doing sittings for individuals or couples from time to time, but I do not do sittings with more than 5 people. If you would like to discuss setting up a photo shoot you can reach me using this page, or by texting me directly at the number listed below. Likewise, if you are looking for something specific for your home or office decor and do not see what you're looking for here in my galleries, please feel free to contact me. I have a lot of work from over the last 2 decades that is not presented here, and if I do not have anything meeting your requirements in my existing body of work, I might be open to doing a subject-specific shoot to fill your order with a non-refundable deposit required upfront, based on what it is that you want me to photograph. For example, if you want a shot of a specific building, the deposit will be considerably less than if you are asking me to get you a quality image of a specific animal in the wild, but I am open to either as long as you know where to find the subject that you want photographed. The type of images you want, and of whom, usually determines whether or not I accept a specialty shoot, as well as how much I charge for doing so.  So please include as much detail about the image you are looking for when contacting me.


Phone: 660-631-6348

Thanks for submitting!

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